West Ridge with John Goebbel
Welcome to the weekly podcast of West Ridge Church led by Pastor John Goebbel. We're dedicated to helping you connect with God and reach your community. To learn more or to support the vision of this ministry, visit our website at westridge.cc.
238 episodes
Two Spirits at Work
What are these two spirits? In "Two Spirits at Work", Pastor John explains that the only way we can know we are being influenced by something other than God, is to know God.

Your Step
What is the root cause of worry? In "Your Step", Pastor John highlighted, that while following Jesus' instructions to not worry can be hard using our own strength and wisdom, if we truly trust Him and what he is doing, then we can have pe...

Make a Difference
Are you asking yourselves, "how can I make a difference?" In "Make a Difference", Pastor John explains that God has not only made you, the Holy Spirit has empowered you and "supercharged" you to make a difference. Jesus said this li...

Discover Your Purpose
If you can do anything for the rest of your life, what would it be? In "Discover Your Purpose" Pastor John reminds us that God made us all and He gave us special talents and gifts…and those things are to be used for His Kingdom, glory, an...

Find Freedom
What is the "freedom" that Jesus mentions? In "Find Freedom", Pastor John explains while some would say "I'm free to do whatever I want", perhaps we can ask ourselves "am I happy and fulfilled where I am right now, and if not, what might ...

Know God
We know Jesus' command to go and make disciples, but how do we do that or what do we say? In "Know God", Pastor John reminds us that it is God who saves, but He has given us tools, such as His Word, to use to share the Good News.

Vision Day
What are four important things that we would like visitors to West Ridge to find? In "Vision Day" Pastor John explains how we should help everyone to 1) Know God, to 2) Find Freedom, to 3) Discover their purpose, and finally, to learn how...

The Lord's Prayer
How do we build relationships with someone we care about? In "The Lord's Prayer", Pastor John shows us through Jesus' teaching about prayer, that we not only ask God for things in prayer, we listen to his leading and so learn more about H...

Power of Prayer
Is prayer a priority for you? In "Power of Prayer" Pastor John asked us if we are spending time with the Lord every day? Are we seeking His direction or are we going on our own strength? We know which is better.

Prayer and Fasting
What did Jesus say about how we are to fast? In "Prayer and Fasting" Pastor John explains that, just like when we pray, don't do it to gain favor (or sympathy!) from others, but we rather do it in secret where the Lord alone sees.

Christmas Wisdom
Are you worried about situations in your life right now? In "Christmas Wisdom" Pastor John explains how even though this world may be full of trouble, Jesus says "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world yo...

The Best Gift
What would be the best gift you could possibly receive this Christmas? In "The Best Gift" Pastor John describes that one and the next best one that all Christians have already received - but maybe don't fully use it.

Imperfectly Perfect
Isn't it interesting how the circumstances of Jesus' birth were so exceptional? In "Imperfectly Perfect" Pastor John describes how the census, the lack of accommodations, the visits from the shepherds, -- all seemingly imperfect situations lead...

The Moment
What were some of the prophecies that had to be accomplished by the Messiah? In "The Moment" Pastor John details that even looking at only 7 of the 300 prophecies that Jesus fulfilled still goes far beyond coincidence and into the realm of supe...

Who is at Your Table!
Who are you including at your "table"? In "Who is at Your Table", Pastor John recounts the story of Mary and Martha and how Jesus' direction was to not forget to worship. Do we focus more on getting a task done and neglect true worship?

The Supernatural Church
How might God show His supernatural power to you? In "The Supernatural Church" Pastor John reminds us that God loves all, and for those that will trust Him, follow Him, and be His church there will be times in your life where God is going...

No Other
What was that promise that Jesus told us after he left? In "No Other" Pastor John recounts those words of Jesus where he says he will give us "a helper" (some English translations - an advocate) " the Spirit of truth, whom the world canno...

What does it look like to "set an example"? In "Undespised" Pastor Bryan explains that even with past mistakes, trauma, age, finances, shame, guilt or anything you can think of, none of that can hold you back from achieving your calling.

Being Intentional ... Go!
Since Jesus tells us to make disciples why do we sometimes ignore that command? In "Being Intentional ... Go!" Pastor John reminds us that while we can have doubts (even His Disciples had doubts), he reminds us He is with us always to guide and...

Unbelievers Want to See
What is it that most people wants to see? In "Unbelievers Want to See" Pastor John explains that people want to see others hearing, loving, and understanding them. People may come with incorrect "doctrine" about God, but our role is to share Je...

Bottom Line
How does loving God first help you love others? In "Bottom Line", Pastor John shares how when we realize the price Jesus paid to redeem us, no matter how messed up we were (or are), it makes us realize that who are we to not likewise show love ...

Why does serving God with excellence and joy make an impact? In "Impact", Pastor John recounts that while excellence is not equivalent to perfection, when we give it our best, God honors our efforts in ways that frequently exceed our expectatio...

A New Culture
Have you noticed that different jobs have different cultures? In "A New Culture", Pastor John describes the key elements of what someone should see in a Christ follower and how they are lived out at West Ridge.